Our shop has a range of grocery and household items on offer and with a weekly delivery, it’s always changing.
We have bread, milk, eggs, and meat, as well as seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables.
Some of our food may be labelled past its ‘best before’ date but it will always be within its ‘use-by’ date. Sometimes this can mean that it has a lost a little of its quality, but it is still nutritious. For more information click here.
Anyone experiencing tough times and financial hardship can shop at FoodCare Orange.
Shopping with us is easy. You don’t need to show your pension card, health care card or Centrelink card to shop at FoodCare.
All items have the price displayed on them.
Customers must spend a minimum of $8 on shelf products purchased from Foodbank to then have access to the free and donated food.
This is how FoodCare is able to make enough money to keep the shop going.
Customers who have been given FoodCare vouchers by support agencies can present these at the shop and access food to the value of the vouchers plus any free items, particularly fruit, vegetables and bread.
Local Community service agencies can purchase FoodCare vouchers to give to their clients. Once vouchers are redeemed at the shop, agencies are invoiced. Contact us to learn more.
Like us on Facebook and Instagram.
For information about other food services in the Central West please click on the link below.